Parish Cleanup Day

Members from our council showed up to support the Spring parish cleanup day where the following was completed:

  • Trimmed overgrowth behind the gym, amphitheater, stairs by the library, the retaining wall near the church entrance, and theflowerbeds near the rosary garden.
  • The Columbarium area was mulched, broken limbs and sticks were gathered and disposed of, falling cedars were removed forchipping into mulch for use in beds on the parish grounds.
  • Old wooden structures below the amphitheater were removed.
  • Trees along the walking trail were trimmed, and the old wooden structures below the amphitheater were removed.
  • Weeds were removed from the greenhouse.
  • Debris along the sidewalk was raked and hauled off.

Tom and Gene served up a BBQ sandwich lunch to hungry volunteers.

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