Soccer Challenge 2024

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Soccer Shootout Challenge
at the Fall Festival

  When:  Sep 28th, 11-1PM ** 

  Where: St. Mary’s soccer field

  Sponsored by: St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council 3175

No fee to enter

15 shots on goal competition for boys & girls age 9-14.

Age group winners receive $10 Amazon gift card and advance to district level competition.

Times for each age group

  • 9 years old 11:00 – 11:20AM
  • 10 years old 11:20 – 11:40AM
  • 11 years old 11:40 – 12:00PM
  • 12 years old 12:00 – 12:20PM
  • 13 years old 12:20 – 12:40PM
  • 14 years old 12:40 – 1:00PM

Come for the festival and stop by the field at the time for your age group to try your luck. Open to anyone.

For more information contact Morgan Paul at 865-384-0044 or email

To save time, please download and fill out the Soccer Competition Entry Form

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Ultrasound Dedication at Choices Resources

Read Eat Tennessee Catholic Article Here

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Lenten Dinner Hosts – Thank You!

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One Week Left to Order Christmas Wreaths for the Church

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Knights of Columbus in Oak Ridge celebrate their 75th Anniversary

The Father McRedmond council of the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary’s church in Oak Ridge celebrated their 75th Anniversary on October 24th, 2023.   A celebration was had at the church on the 28th in the Family Life center.  Over 40 knights attended including 10 Past Grand Knights and their families.

 The Knights of Columbus are the world’s largest Catholic fraternal Service Organization.  We were founded in 1882 by Blessed Father Michael McGivney, a simple parish priest coincidentally at St. Mary’s parish in New Haven CT.   Our founding principles which we continue to uphold are Charity, Unity, and Fraternity.  In later years we added the principle of Patriotism.

In Oak Ridge the Knights were chartered on October 24th in 1948.  WWII had ended three years prior and we were no longer a secret city.  Our government was transitioning from a war time economy to a peace time economy.   It probably wasn’t even certain that Oak Ridge would continue to exist, but a few Catholic Gentleman led by our 2nd Pastor Father Francis McRedmond formed this group that we are celebrating today.

What else happened in 1948

  • The Nation of Israel was created, 5 Arab nations attacked it.
  • Communists Seized control in Czechoslovakia.
  • Berlin Airlift began and continued for 18 months.
  • Harry Truman ends racial segregation in the Military.
  • The 33 1/3 LP record was created.
  • Planned Parenthood was created.
  • A postage stamp cost .03 cents
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75th Anniversary Exemplification Ceremony

A special degree exemplification ceremony was held on October 24th. Inducties included Ben Hardy, James Muller and James Upgraft for Oak Ridge Council 3175, as well as 2 other inducties from the council in Harriman.

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Soccer Challenge 2023

Image result for soccer goal clipart

Soccer Shootout Challenge
at the Fall Festival

  When:  Oct 21st, 11-1PM ** 

  Where: St. Mary’s soccer field

  Sponsored by: St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council 3175

No fee to enter

15 shots on goal competition for boys & girls age 9-14.

Age group winners receive $10 Amazon gift card and advance to district level competition.

Times for each age group

  • 9 years old 11:00 – 11:20AM
  • 10 years old 11:20 – 11:40AM
  • 11 years old 11:40 – 12:00PM
  • 12 years old 12:00 – 12:20PM
  • 13 years old 12:20 – 12:40PM
  • 14 years old 12:40 – 1:00PM

Come for the festival and stop by the field at the time for your age group to try your luck. Open to anyone.

For more information contact Morgan Paul at 865-384-0044 or email

To save time, please download and fill out the Soccer Competition Entry Form

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Purchase an Autumn Wreath and Support Your Council

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Council 3175 Time and Money Contributions for 2023


  • Sponsor breakfasts for school and youth trips (total over $2,800.00 to date)
  • Provide funds for hurricane relief to two parishes in Ft Myers area ($2,000.00 total)
  • Sponsor for St Mary’s School Gala ($1,500.00)
  • Sponsor for St Mary’s Parish ($1,500.00)
  • Provide funds for other worthy needs, as budget allows.
  • Serve in many capacities in parish: Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, ushers, sacristans, cantor, clean-up day volunteers, St Vincent de Paul Society food bank volunteers, youth religious education,…
  • Paint school rooms and other parish facilities as needed—pay for paint.
  • Refurbish priest’s rooms in rectory
  • Help new pastor move into rectory
  • Stain/maintain structure in upper playground (major wooden structure built with Army Engineers blueprints in 1993)
  • Operate American Grill booth at Fall Festival
  • Cook spaghetti dinner at Fall Festival (75 gallons of spaghetti sauce—plus pasta, bread, salads)
  • Sponsor the Emory Valley Annual Fundraiser Dinner (area nonprofit serving those with special needs)
    (Done for 10 years running. Formerly bought all food, cooked, and served dinner to 272.  This year member paid caterer but bought desserts, salmon, beer, and wine.  This year members grilled 35 lbs. salmon, provided 12 volunteers to serve catered meal, and hosted the wine/beer bar.  The meal had no cost to Emory Valley Center and raised $22,000 net.  Sponsorships and “raise the paddle” donations raised over $60,000 more.  This event started at St Mary’s gym when the Emory Valley Center asked the Council to sponsor a meal.)
  • Over the next six months (July to December 2023), the Council plans to distribute over $24,000 to the parish, school, and various charities.
    • Working concessions at the UT football games in 2022 raised these funds—the Council will not do so this year.
    • Almost $7,000 will be given to enable purchase of for a new DC-70 ultrasound imaging machine (with matching funds from another charitable organization and then matched by a grant from Knights of Columbus Supreme.
  • Sponsor monthly breakfasts ($6.00 per head, $20.00 per family) at minimal cost to promote parish social interactions.
  • Sponsor Friday night Lenten dinners after the Stations of the Cross.
  • Note: Pay the maintenance expenses for the Knights of Columbus house, which included replacing the roof at a cost of over $9,800.00 in CY2022.
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Pressure Washing the Convent

The council stepped up to do a good exterior cleaning to the Convent for our cherished Sisters. Four Knights were there spend several hours on Saturday morning to brighten up the building: Ray Audet, Michael Barnes, Larry Carignan and Dave Zakrzwski.

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