Category Archives: Faith

Ultrasound Dedication at Choices Resources

Read Eat Tennessee Catholic Article Here

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Lenten Dinner Hosts – Thank You!

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Breakfast Fundraiser for Youth trip to NCYC

The Knights council held their monthly breakfast for May after the 8AM and 10:30AM masses. The Knights donated the $1,000 in reciepts from this special breakfast to the Youth Group trip for the National Catholic Youth Conference that will be … Continue reading

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Lenten dinner Schedule for the Season of Lent

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Knights Donation to Knoxville Catholic

Dennis Urban presented a check for $1000 to Sister Scholastica to support a Pro-Life trip for students of Knoxville Catholic. 20 Students and 9 chanerones traveled to St, Louis and then Kansas City where they attended a spiritual retreat, engaged … Continue reading

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Roseries Presented to Students in Honor of Bill Olka

St. Mary’s Catholic School, Oak Ridge, TNAfter Mass on Monday morning, the entire school gathered together to receive a special gift from a special person. PGK Bill Olka’s last wish was to provide all the students at Saint Mary’s with … Continue reading

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Mass and Celebration for New Deacons

Two fellow Knights, PGK Dave Duhamel, and SK Vic Landa, were ordained as deacons several weeks ago. To commemorate their great achievement, our council Knights and families came to celebrate Saturday evening Mass together. That was followed by a potluck … Continue reading

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The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Below are pictures from the Eucharistic Procession Celebrating Corpus Christi,that followed the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, June 19th. The procession was led by District Deputy PGF JJ Wilder. The canopy was carried by PGK Bob Childs, PGK Ray Audet, … Continue reading

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

See information and pictures from previous Lebanese Dinner!

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