Category Archives: News

June Knight Recognition

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Parish Cleanup Day

Members from our council showed up to support the Spring parish cleanup day where the following was completed: Trimmed overgrowth behind the gym, amphitheater, stairs by the library, the retaining wall near the church entrance, and theflowerbeds near the rosary … Continue reading

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Altar Server Appreciation at Smokies Game

Council 3175 sponsored this years event by taking the St. Mary’s Altar Servers to Star Wars night at the Smokies game on Saturday Night. The fun evening concluded with a fireworks show! The knights paid for theServers to attend the … Continue reading

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St. Mary’s Gala of Lights Event

Some of the Council 3175 Knights and spouses that attended the Gala of Lights social, dinner and auction. This is a yearly event to help raise funds for St. Mary’s School.

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

See information and pictures from previous Lebanese Dinner!

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

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March Knight Recognition

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

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