Mass and Celebration for New Deacons

Two fellow Knights, PGK Dave Duhamel, and SK Vic Landa, were ordained as deacons several weeks ago. To commemorate their great achievement, our council Knights and families came to celebrate Saturday evening Mass together. That was followed by a potluck dinner in the Youth Building.

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The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Below are pictures from the Eucharistic Procession Celebrating Corpus Christi,
that followed the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, June 19th. The procession was led by District Deputy PGF JJ Wilder. The canopy was carried by PGK Bob Childs, PGK Ray Audet, SK Tom Snyder and SK Bert Tondo. The procession celebrant was SK John DeClue.

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June Knight Recognition

Knight of Month – Rick Sample

Family of Month – JJ and Helen Wilder

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Free Retirement Planning Webinar with Ed Slott

Ed Slott, CPA is fondly referred to as the IRA man. The free webinar is limited so have people register for the webinar found on the flyer below. The webinar is only 1 hour long and will be informative and entertaining. Please urge your brothers, and parishioners (especially prospective new members) to join us.

I want to cordially invite you to attend.

Register Here

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Parish Cleanup Day

Members from our council showed up to support the Spring parish cleanup day where the following was completed:

  • Trimmed overgrowth behind the gym, amphitheater, stairs by the library, the retaining wall near the church entrance, and theflowerbeds near the rosary garden.
  • The Columbarium area was mulched, broken limbs and sticks were gathered and disposed of, falling cedars were removed forchipping into mulch for use in beds on the parish grounds.
  • Old wooden structures below the amphitheater were removed.
  • Trees along the walking trail were trimmed, and the old wooden structures below the amphitheater were removed.
  • Weeds were removed from the greenhouse.
  • Debris along the sidewalk was raked and hauled off.

Tom and Gene served up a BBQ sandwich lunch to hungry volunteers.

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Altar Server Appreciation at Smokies Game

Council 3175 sponsored this years event by taking the St. Mary’s Altar Servers to Star Wars night at the Smokies game on Saturday Night.

The fun evening concluded with a fireworks show! The knights paid for the
Servers to attend the game and enjoy a ballpark meal! For so many it was their first professional baseball game.

Thanks you to our parish altar servers for being an invaluable part of our Mass celebrations, and thanks to Dave Duhamel for putting this event together!

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St. Mary’s Gala of Lights Event

Some of the Council 3175 Knights and spouses that attended the Gala of Lights social, dinner and auction. This is a yearly event to help raise funds for St. Mary’s School.

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St Therese Lenten Fish Fry

Council 3175 Knights from St. Mary’s Church come to support the Council 3175 Knights from St Therese Church. Sir Knight Don McCarthy leads up the Lenten dinners along with other meals and activities at St. Therese Church in Clinton.

One of the highlights during Lent at St Therese is the Fish Fry with fresh breaded catfish, hushpuppies, waffle fries, coleslaw, green beans and desert!. Lenten dinners are served before the Stations of the Cross.

Standing around fry pots, praying for rain to hold off
Sample plate
Testing food before the main crowd arrives
Enjoying food before the main crowd arrives
Sampling food before the main crowd arrives
Hot from the fryer
Surprise Animal Puppies
...we should market these.
Standing around fry pots, praying for rain to hold off
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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

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Upcoming Lenten Dinner

See information and pictures from previous Lebanese Dinner!

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