Knights Auction for Handyman Work at Gala of Lights

The Knights were auctioned off to do a handyman project for the highest bidder at the Gala of Lights fundraising event night. The winner of the handyman project donated the benefit to her neighbor as a thank you for all her neighbor has done for her and her family. The Gala of lights raised over $50,000 for St. Mary’s School. The Knights helped with a basement office conversion by installing insulation and wall panels.

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Check for $1000 Presented to St. Mary’s School

GK Chip Dooley and fellow Knights presenting a check for $1,000 to Sister Marie Blanchette on behalf of St. Mary’s School.  This money was from the proceeds we made from the Spaghetti Dinner Benefit on May 14th .

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Recognizing the Knight and Family of the Month for May

DGK Dave Budzynski with Knight of the Month, Dennis Urban

DGK Dave Budzynski with Family of the Month, Tom (& Maggie) Slankas

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Happy Mothers Day!

Knights were out for the yearly tradition of offering flowers to the mothers and ladies after each mass.

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Webinar May 4th – Building Intergenerational Wealth

Joe Jordan presents Building Inter-generational Wealth   May 4th at 8PM
Click here to see Joe’s special message to the Knights.

Register now at    (Council: 3175)

 About Joe Jordan

Joe Jordan, inspirational speaker and behavioral finance expert, is the
author of the award-winning book Living a Life of Significance. His book
is a call to action for financial professionals to think beyond just how
much money they can make and to focus on the positive impact they
have on others. Joe has worked in financial planning and insurance for 46 years, and
his book and presentations are designed to instill Christian values into
the financial service business.

Joe is a Catholic, a Knight, and a member of Legatus, a Catholic CEO
organization.  For three consecutive years, he has been honored by
Irish America magazine as one of the “Top 50 Irish Americans on Wall
Street.”  He was inducted into the Fordham Football Hall of Fame
and has played rugby for the New York Athletic Club for 30 years.

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Spaghetti Dinner Benefit May 14th

Proceeds from this event will be used to directly support the financial needs of St. Mary’s School, along with funding direct support of parish and local community needs and projects

You can order an individual meal for one or a family meal that includes 1 quart of sauce and 2 quarts of noodles in convenient deli containers. 

All meals include:

  • Spaghetti with meat or vegetarian sauce
  • Fresh Garlic Bread
  • Tossed Salad
  • Bakery Cookies for Dessert
  • Disposable Utensils

You can also show support buy purchasing tickets on behalf of St. Mary’s:

  • Priests/Deacons
  • Dominican Sisters
  • School Teachers

You will be quickly served in the drive up line in the school student pickup area.  Parents can pick up meals at the normal school dismissal time.  Otherwise plan to pickup you meal after 4PM and before 6:30PM

Purchase your dinner and options with credit card online.

For questions or help on ordering, send an email to

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Helping Out With Vaccinations at Muncey’s Pharmacy

From Dr. Elaine Bunick:

Good evening Fr. Shelton and St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Larry, John, Morgan, Jacek, Bogdan and Michael,
Jim Munsey and I are so thankful for all your help parking cars and running registration for the First COVID-19 Drive-in Vaccine Clinic at Munsey’s Pharmacy.  170 vaccines were given.
We have received so many compliments about your organizational skills and kindness rendered to all vaccine recipients. Our Rotarian and Nursing volunteers felt so much joy serving the seniors of Oak Ridge with your help.  Some said this was the most rewarding service project they have done.
Your help will be needed in about 4 weeks when we will need to give the recipients their second dose of vaccine.
Thank you and God Bless!
Elaine & Jim
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Fr McGivney House Enters the 21st Century

Fiber cable was buried between the the Knight’s house and the church offices to provide internet access. Thanks to the Knights that came out to trench and install the line.

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There Is Still Time To Send A Wreath Order!


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Completion of Sidewalk Project

Knights of Columbus Service Project. We were approached to help a widow fix the sidewalks around her home to help her regain some Mobility. Great to be able to help.

See more details about this project all of the preparation that had to happen first here

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